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Make Art, Take a Trip

Ben Wu

It’s finally Spring Break! It’s time to regain the hours of sleep that I lost in school. I say that every time, but mostly during breaks, I tend to sleep even less due to the distraction of social media. Although this year’s Spring Break plan is still unclear, all I wish for is that I can be (somewhat) productive.

During the break, I plan to work on my large watercolor piece. I’ve had an idea that I had for a long time and I always wanted time to start working on it. However, I never had the time to do so. With Spring Break’s here, I would pick up my paintbrush and start painting. I readopted painting not long ago, after abandoning it when I start middle school. It’s been quite a long time and I’ve already forgotten some of my painting techniques. It’s a form of art therapy and studies have found that it helps strengthen your creativity, relieve your stress, and help you express your emotions.

According to studies, the average person has 60,000 thoughts per day and 95% of them are exactly the same day in, day out. Drawing and painting is the best way to express your thoughts.

During the break, I will also start planning my next trip to Hong Kong. I’ve had this in mind for way too long. I was supposed to have had this trip last summer; however, my passport was expired so I couldn’t go. For this year, I hope I can finally accomplish my goal. Since I’m planning to travel by myself, I would encounter even more barriers. Planning is always the hardest thing for me to do, it brings me stress. But a trip without planning is not convenient.

I hope I would go out more during Spring Break instead of staying at home consistently. I hope you guys have a great Spring Break, get some rest and recharge yourself.

Share your spring break journey with us by email using or using hashtag #yljourney.



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