Get your phones and snapchat filters ready because today is National Donuts Day. Sometimes it feels like we have too many holidays that don’t really mean anything. This is one of the few "food holidays" that involves free food that's worth waiting in line for. According to USAToday, National Doughnut Day was originally established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to honor the women who served doughnuts to the soldiers who were in World War I. The holiday is traditionally celebrated on the first Friday of June. This means that donut lovers all across America joins to celebrate by handing out the sugary dough rings for free. WARNING, don't think that every doughnuts shop is going to be part of this festivities, but you could find yourself covered in powdered sugar, glaze crumbs, and jelly filling. Most popular chains offers free donuts without any purchase, but others require at least a small purchase. For example, Cumberland Farms and Dunkin’ Donuts, they required you to buy at least a beverage to get the free doughnut of your choice.
Here's our running list of food chain that offer free donuts:
Krispy Kreme: Get one free donut of your choice, no purchase necessary. Only at participating locations and last the whole day.
Cumberland Farms: Buy any hot or iced coffee, Hyperfreeze, or fountain drink and you’ll get a free donut. Starts from 5am to 10am.
Dunkin’ Donuts: One free classic donut of your choice with the purchase of any beverage at participating locations in the US.
Safeway: It's not free, but the supermarket is offering a dozen doughnuts for $5.
Honey Dew Donuts: Get a free Coco Loco Donut with purchase of any medium or larger beverage at participating locations.
Duck Donuts: Get any donut for free when you buy something. Also get a special receipt for a buy-one-get-one free 1/2 dozen donuts deal.
Entenmann’s: They are offering a company’s contest where you have a chance to win free doughnuts for a year.
The Oxford English Dictionary approved the spelling for the fried, ring-shaped cake made of dough as doughnut. But the shortened version一donut一has been around since the late 1800s. It wasn’t popularized until the late 20th century, when the popular American doughnut chain Dunkin’ Donuts made the word famous. Also, back then when writing newspapers, writers had to shortcut most words, since they charged for every letter they had.