Nowadays, catching a bus isn’t the thing we often do. What we tend to do is simply take out our phones and order an Uber. Is way much easier, you don’t have to worry about where you are or what time is. Uber could get you from wherever you are to wherever you want. Uber Technologies Inc. is an American tech company that has their headquarters in San Francisco. The Uber app could take you from one place to another, or they could bring your groceries and food to the front step of your house. Uber was recently founded in March 2009, about eight years ago, along with their former CEO Travis Kalanick, and Garrett Camp.
For the past month, there has been an increase of Uber users, due to all those flat fares and promotions. Users of this app may rate drivers, as well as drivers to the users; from the scale of 1 to 5 stars. Uber offers different kinds of services such as UberPool, where you can ride with other people and share the fare. Another service is the UberX; you get to have your private ride and get faster home since they don’t have to drop/pick someone else. UberEats is an easy way to get your food delivered in front of your house. You can choose from hundreds of restaurants. Prices may vary depending on your location, but it is usually between 5-8 dollars.
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