Chabad of Poway Shooting

Worldwide, people are attacking religions left and right. When will this end?
The following happened 4/27/2019 local time.
A shooting reported at Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego County, California, left 1 woman dead and 3 people injured, one being a minor.
Poway is a small city in San Diego County, California. It is about 20 miles north of San Diego.
The Poway Police Station reports that deputies were called to the scene “just before 11:30 a.m.” and that they had apprehended a suspect. The quick arrest prompted President Trump to praise and thank law enforcement in addition to his thoughts and prayers.
The incident is reported to be a possible hate crime; based on statements by the shooter.
The shooting happened during the last day of Passover, a major Jewish holiday, which ends the evening of April 27th. The synagogue had posted on Facebook about a celebration to be held at 11 a.m to celebrate the end of Passover, giving the *unofficial* idea that the shooter had planned the shooting.
Steve Vaus, Mayor of Poway, had told CNN that, “I also understand from folks on the scene that this shooter was engaged by people in the congregation and those brave people certainly prevented this from being a much worse tragedy.”
Vaus also tweeted about receiving a “President’s call from Air Force One offering assistance following the tragic shooting in @cityofpoway.” following a tweet about how Poway will “walk through this tragedy.”
Just last week, there were bombings in Sri Lanka which targeting hotels and churches during Easter Sunday. These attacks were suspected to be carried out by a Wahhabist group, the National Thowheed. The attack left 253 dead. The hate has to stop.
Our thoughts and prayers go to the victims of the Chabad of Poway shooting as well as the victims of all forms of crime.