
Vaping has become very famous since it was introduced in 2006. A lot of teenagers and adults alike are using vape. Some say vape is better than cigarettes and safer but is it?
First, let us see what the history of Vaping/E-Cigarettes is. The first electronic cigarette patent was filed by a man named Herbert A. Gilbert in 1963.Herbert A. Gilbert was the first to invent the smokeless non-tobacco cigarette and The U.S. patent number is 3,200,819, and it was issued on Aug. 17, 1965. After looking at Herbert’s patent, we will find familiar design concepts like heating elements, smokeless flavored air, and flavored cartridges that we would see advertised today is ever-growing popular e-cig commercials. Sadly his pitch to cigarette manufacturers was rejected as sales at the time were rising, and people weren’t aware of the health risks as they are today. In 2003 Hon Lik stepped in. Hon Lik was a small-time pharmacist and medical researcher from China and a hopeless cigarette addict who despises for possibly facing the fate of his father, who had died from lung cancer. Within this device, the user could deliver themselves a vaporized form of nicotine liquid solution with the air activating the atomizer. Cancer-causing Tar and other substances found in regular cigarettes were eliminated from the user or anyone in their vicinity with second-hand smoke eliminated as well. Hon Lik patented the e-cigarette and e-liquid in the same year and launched his product to the United States and Europe in 2006.
Now, what is vaping? Using an e-cig is called “vaping”. E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that can look like a real cigarette or pen — some with refillable tanks that have different kinds. There are hundreds of brands, and sometimes they are marketed as a way that it is safer than cigarettes. Vaping is only slightly more complicated than cigarettes, though it requires a lot more electronics. In vaping, the device heats a volatile liquid in a cartridge, which the user inhales from the device. That is it; rather than burning tobacco, a vape turns a liquid to vapor. Most contain the chemical nicotine, which is addictive. When you stop using it, you can go into withdrawal and feel depressed and crabby. Nicotine is not suitable for people with heart problems. And some research shows it may hurt your arteries. Some brands contain chemicals including formaldehyde -- often used in building materials -- and another ingredient used in antifreeze that can cause cancer. But the concerns go beyond nicotine alone. Flavors in e-cigs also raise red flags. Some use a buttery-tasting chemical called diacetyl, which is added to foods like popcorn. When it’s inhaled, it can be harmful. “Diacetyl is a well-known harmful chemical, which, among other things, causes a lung disease called ‘popcorn lung,’” says Erika Sward, assistant vice president for national advocacy at the American Lung Association. E-cigarettes aren’t thought of as 100% safe, but most experts think they’re less dangerous than cigarettes, says Neal Benowitz, MD. Most of the harm comes from the thousands of chemicals that are burned and inhaled in the smoke, he explains. E-cigs don’t burn, so people aren’t as exposed to those toxins. A 2015 expert review from Public Health England estimated e-cigs are 95% less dangerous than the real thing. Some states and communities that prohibit smoking in public places also ban vaping. However, Warner says, while the danger from second-hand vapor is not zero, “it’s probably very low.”Things to know about e-cigarettes are that they can blow up and catch fire. There were 134 reports of e-cigarette batteries heating up, catching fire, or exploding between 2009 and January 2016. Some people were seriously hurt. The new rules will allow the FDA to review the safety of batteries and eventually take action to protect the public. Also, they can poison people. Liquid nicotine is especially harmful to young kids. Reports of poisonings are on the rise. Keep all e-cigarettes out of reach of kids. These flavored e-cigarettes are making teenagers addicted to them or at least making them want to try it out. So in conclusion, it is safer than cigarettes but not at all safe. It still has bad effects on your body but we won't know the long term effects yet since this product was just introduced recently.