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Elon Musk Offered to Pay Teenager to Stop Tracking His Plane

Steven Erquiza

Elon Musk is upset about his plane being tracked by a 19-year-old. Twitter account, @ElonJet, has been using advanced technology to follow Elon Musk's private jet for months and gather a lot of followers; because of it, there are over 88,000 followers.

The account broadcasts the movements of Elon Musk's jet by using bots that collate air traffic data which is available to the public.

The clever person behind this is a teenager named Jack Sweeney. Allegedly Sweeney has set up 15 more Twitter accounts using the same method to broadcast private planes that have taken off or landed.

He also has another account, @CelebJets, which tracks the private planes of other celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Cruise.

According to Protocol, Musk contacted Sweeney and asked him to take down the Twitter account.

In exchange, Elon Musk is willing to pay the teenager $5000. A little stingy coming from the world's richest man, don't you think?

Musk allegedly messaged the teenager, saying: "Can you take this down? It is a security risk."

Sweeney replied: "Yes I can but it'll cost you a Model 3 only joking unless?" to which Musk then said: "I don't love the idea of being shot by a nutcase."

After a back and forth conversation, Musk offered Sweeney $5000, and Sweeney replied: "Any chance to up that to $50k? It would be great support in college and would possibly allow me to get a car, maybe even a Model 3."

After agreeing to think about the terms Sweeney laid out, Musk has reportedly not been back in touch.

Earlier this month, Musk tweeted that these social media tracking his movements are "becoming a security issue."


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