First Omicron coronavirus variant Confirmed Case in California

In recent days, a new type of coronavirus variant called Omicron has been spreading worldwide. It concerns millions of people because pandemic is still going on. We are not sure when it is going to be ended.
The first Omicron case in the US happened in San Francisco. The person has travelled to South Africa before, which found out Omicron coronavirus variant. He got tested positive for COVID-19 on November 29th. This person has been fully vaccinated, even though he has not been taken the booster shot. Moreover, his close contact has been tested negatively.
The California and San Francisco public health departments confirmed the Omicron variant caused the case through genomic sequencing conducted at the University of California at San Francisco. The US Centers approved the sequence for Disease Control and Prevention.
At this point, people might be curious about the symptoms of Omicron. The scientist said that most cases are “extremely mild,” it will be similar to flu-like symptoms: dry coughs, fever, night sweats, and many-body pains.
However, scientists recommend people take the booster shot, wear masks, wash their hands frequently can help reduce the cases. It gets a sharp increase of patients in these ten days. To help overcome the pandemic, we should keep protecting ourselves and others.