How People Are Affected During The Pandemic
In September of 2020, Sarah found a notice on her front door. She was being evicted, she lost her job due to covid and she was left unemployed with a five-month-old with the eviction notice coming. Since the pandemic it took a lot of Americans jobs during March and April. Most workers who make more than 20 dollars an hour have been able to keep working or have returned to work. But low wage workers, the people most likely to be renters instead of homeowners are also least likely to have gotten their jobs back. This means that many have started to lose their homes. Black communities and latino residents are heavily impacted by the pandemic to the fact that one family has stated that they went up to their doors with a paper and said they have 30 minutes to get out. Another person has shown their check only worth to be around 300 dollars and now their strollers carry their belongings. America is in an eviction crisis in the middle of a pandemic but we're also in the middle of an election so what does the U.S do about it? Even before Covid, the US had a much higher eviction rate than similar countries. 1 in 40 renters in the US have been evicted at some point. Compared to 1 in 89 countries in the UK , 1 in 227 in Denmark, and 1 in 25,000 in F

rance. What a lot of people don't realize is that we are already in the midst of a housing crisis before Covid-19 hit the United states. Alia Duarna (a website that collects data) collected data on evictions for a Princeton University research project called the eviction lab. When we think about the difficulty in finding an affordable place to live, one factor we need to take an account is that wages have stagnated for the last several decades. Since 2001, rents across the U.S have soared. However, the average household income has barely increased at all.

this gap represents millions of Americans struggling to pay rent. This was before they lost their jobs. When the Pandemic hit the UK, France, Denmark and many similar countries. Their national government kept workers afloat while businesses were closed by directly paying everyone a potion of their salary in some states, republican lawmakers made that money difficult to get. However for the people who did get it. That money made it possible for people who'd been laid off, Then, In July the payments stopped. Without that extra cash, lots of unemployed people couldn't pay for their rent and landlords across the country started filing for evictions. Over the next few months, Democrats in congress kept trying to pass extra relief but the republicans kept saying no. The president at the time asked CDCP to issue a “temporary halt in residential evictions.” But it wasn't quite that simple. For the order to you from being evicted you had to fill out a form. Certifying under penalty of perjury that you’d tried to get government assistance.
And make partial payments among other things. And you have to find out about that form on your own. Landlords, and housing courts, we're not required to tell tenants about it. Sarah filed the form out and brought it to her eviction hearing. They didn't even ask for the declaration, they looked at the landlord and just asked them what they wanted to do and they wanted to move forward with the eviction. In an interview on Snapchat in may former VP Joe said that there should be rent forgiveness and there should be mortgage forgiveness. Since then, democrats in congress have put forward a “rent and Mortgage cancellation” bill that would accomplish what Biden have said that it would relieve tenants of the burden of any rental debt accumulation during the pandemic. Right now about 5 million households receive the vouchers. Under the Biden plan, about 16 million would. Evictions don't affect all groups of American equally. Black and Latinx Americans are more likely than white Americans to rent More likely to be paid poverty wages for their work. The CDC moratorium on evictions is set to expire on December 31st. After that, if nothing changes, millions of renters could be right back where they started.