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Music at the Moment - Metallica

Recently I have been brushing up on my guitar skills and this got me back into my old rock playlists. More specifically a playlist with more than half of it being Metallica. A small introduction is that Metallica is argued as the starter/populizer of rock and roll. Like old rock. And to be honest, that is true in every way. Many people start out with Sandman and Puppets and then begin their descent into a rabbit hole of rock and roll. They come from SF and they have been all over the world thrashing and banging heads. Here is my recommendation for getting into their music.

  1. Enter Sandman and Master of Puppets

The most popular and well known songs from Metallica. I’d say if you do not like these 2, then you probably won’t like the rest of their crazy discography. Enter Sandman is the riff and heavy side of Metallica, a beautiful masterpiece of rock. Master of Puppets is the crazy thrashing that is in my opinion best Metallica sound in all of rock. Take a listen, find out if you like it because it’s wild and that’s the way we like it.

  1. The Intro Album

The infamous black album. Bands all over wanted to replicate the beginnings of legends by coming out with a destructive sound. This was Metallica’s first album, called Metallica, an odd name for our time but back in the 80s, it was common for bands to name their first album after their name. This is because of Metallica and they proceeded to give sound to their name.

  1. Master of Puppets

This is the album, the masterpiece of composure and rock. My favorite album of all time. The riffs, the bass, the banging drums all perfectly synced to a crazy wild sound. It’s the best. The album hits you with the tracks that made Metallica famous. Battery, Master of Puppets, Sanitarium, Disposable Heroes, and Leper Messiah. Listen you will not regret it.

  1. Hardwired… To Self-Destruct

This is their most recent album and G O D it was crazy hearing this Metallica again. It was a combination of the riffs and identification of their black album, the awesome slopes of Master of Puppets, and the growth of the band as a whole with the background of rock and roll. Second best album, I cannot stress how great this album and underrated it is. It is the culmination of Metallica as of now and it goes hard. Take a listen and if you liked the previous entries this will ascend you.



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