Why Fortnite is no longer in the App Store
The Company that owns the game Fortnite is going against Apple's Rules. They are defying the rules for apples and ultimately challenging them to do something about it. Apple has done something about this problem, After Epic games announced this morning that it was encouraging Fortnite players to Bypass Apples in-house payment Fortnite from its App Store, claiming that Epic wanted "a Special Arrangement" that other game developers would not Typically get.
What that ultimately means is that if you have already downloaded Fortnite to your iPhone or IPad, you can still use it. However, the move does mean that Epic Games won't be able to update the app without Apple's consent. Something that it regularly did to fix bugs and introduce new features within the game. So if the situation is left unsolved, Epic Will eventually have to Abandon Fortnites Apple Users. In response to Apple's response, Epic games say it is filing an antitrust lawsuit against Apple In US District Court. It is also telling Apple Users that they won't be able to play Future versions of its game because apple has blocked the IOS user's ability to update when Fortnite chapter2- season 4 releases you are not able to play the new season on IOS.
It's a fantastic standoff between a very profitable, highly valued gaming company and one of the world's most influential companies. The way it will play out could have consequences for apples and its tech rivals and antitrust regulators.
It is a fascinating standoff between a very profitable, highly valued gaming company and one of the most influential companies in the world. The way it plays out could have consequences for Apple, its tech rivals — and antitrust regulators.

Epic, the North Carolina-based developer behind Fortnight and other games, announced on Thursday morning that players who want to buy Fortnite's virtual currency would no longer have to buy it via Apple's App Store. Instead, it told them they could buy it directly from Epic. The difference for players. However, Epic would charge them 20 percent less if they buy the currency from Epic instead of Apple. This is why Fortnite is no longer in the app store, Business relations have been cut.